Measuring the growth of Dr. Snyder's alewives

  • A large round tank with small fish, seen from above.


    For many years, Dr. Randy Snyder did experiments with alewives in the fish lab at the Field Station. In 2012, we documented the weighing process. First, alewives in tanks are given a sedative.

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  • A person uses something on a pole in a large round tank. There is another tank behind the first. Another person is standing at a counter.


    Graduate student Meghan Jensen testing the alewives for sedation by gently swirling a pole in the tank.

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  • A large round tank with small fish, seen from above. The fish have moved.


    Alewives beginning to be sedated, so their response to stimuli is slower.

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  • A person pours a small bucket into a cooler sitting on a counter in a lab.


    Dr. Snyder transfers alewives to a higher sedation so they are easier to handle without hurting them.

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  • Fish in a cooler full of water.


    Sedated alewives.

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  • A fish in a bowl of water on a scale.


    Weighing an alewife.

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  • A person measures a small fish lying on a towel with a ruler. There is a bucket of water on the counter next to them.


    Measuring the length of an alewife.

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  • A person's hand over a bucket of bubbling water with a thin tube in it.


    The alewife is put in clean oxygenated water to recover.

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  • A smiling person sits at a computer in a lab.


    Graduate student Meghan Jensen enters data.

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  • A person holds a bucket of fish in water over a large round tank of water.


    Returning the alewives to their tank.

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  • A person pours a bucket of fish in water into a large round tank of water.


    Returning the alewives to their tank.

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  • A person pours a bucket of fish in water into a large round tank of water with fish. A few are in the tank.


    Returning the alewives to their tank.

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  • A person pours a bucket of fish in water into a large round tank of water with fish. The bucket is almost empty.


    Returning the alewives to their tank.

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  • A person tips the last of a bucket into a large round tank of water with fish.


    Returning the alewives to their tank.

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