Emerald Shiners 2016

  • Two people sit at the back of a boat while one drives. There is a net next to one of them, and both are wearing safety suits.


    Third year of the Emerald Shiner project. Graduate student Jo Johnson drives the boat to a sample collection site with Josh Fisher. Since it is spring and the water is still cold, they are wearing mustang suits.

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  • A graduate student wearing chest waders stands in water up to her waist. She is holding and manipulating a net with floats on it.


    Graduate student Jo Johnson seining for emerald shiners.

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  • A graduate student wearing chest waders standing at the edge of a canoe launch, pulling a square net through the water towards him


    Graduate student Steve Fleck using a cast net to catch emerald shiners.

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  • A graduate student leaning over the side of a boat to lower an instrument on a cable into the water.


    Graduate student Morgan Zyzik collecting temperature and dissolved oxygen data from a sample site.

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  • A graduate student on a boat opens a water sampler to take a sample of water. There is sampling gear around her


    Graduate student Morgan Zyzik collecting water samples for the emerald shiner project.

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  • A graduate student stands at the edge of a dock, holding a pole with a cup at the end of it.


    Graduate student Jo Johnson collecting water from a sample site in the Niagara River.

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  • small fish in a large round tank of water


    Emerald shiners being held in the lab.

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