Kit L. Hastings, B.S.
Field + Lab Research Technician Science And Math Complex 319Office: (716) 878-5625
Email: hastinkl@buffalostate.edu
Kit joined the Great Lakes Center as Field Station Research Technician in 2008, and became an Instructional Support Associate in 2015. Their research activities include field and lab support for projects conducted at the Field Station and giving sampling equipment demonstrations for biology classes. They are also a taxonomist for the Great Lakes Biological Monitoring Program. Kit finished a minor in Geographic Information Systems from Buffalo State in 2013 and makes maps for colleagues but aims to apply geographic analysis to monitoring databases. They produce and manage several GLC publications, including this website and the GLC newsletter and annual reports.
Despite spending much of their time at the Field Station, Kit is passionate about advocating for LGBTQ+ and other minority students on campus and has Safe Zone training. They are also a member of the Buffalo State Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Prior to working for Buffalo State, Kit worked as a chemical analyst in Rochester, NY, and as an intern at the Bureau of Land Management in Salem, OR, conducting endangered species surveys for marbled murrelets and spotted owls in the old-growth forests.
Kit's pronouns are they/them, and they use no title or Mx.
B.S., Environmental Studies, SUNY Fredonia, 2007
Research Interests
Lower trophic level monitoring, field sampling, benthic invertebrates
Spatial analysis and GIS applications in freshwater aquatic ecosystems
Website design and content management, newsletter design and editing, digital media