Brian E. Haas, M.A.
Field Station Manager/Research Technician Science and Math Complex 319Phone: (716) 878-5625
Brian joined the Great Lakes Center as a Field Station Research Technician in 2017. Prior to this appointment, Brian worked for two and a half years on the Upper Niagara River conducting a biotelemetric study of northern map turtles for his Master’s thesis. His research focused on habitat use, behavior, and movement of tagged turtles. After graduating from SUNY Buffalo State University, he took a job at an environmental consulting firm where he conducted wetland delineations, invasive species surveys, and endangered species assessments. He worked there as an environmental scientist, until he took the opportunity to return to his Alma Mater.
M.A., Biology, SUNY Buffalo State University, 2015
B.A., Economics/Environmental Management, SUNY Cortland, 2011
Research Interests
Vertebrate zoology
Trophic Dynamics